If you're anything like me, the last thing you want to be doing over multiple weekends is building a new fence. My grandfather taught me that building a fence picket by picket is the best way to...
Category: FAQ
So, you are building a fence. There are many decisions that need to be made when building a fence and deciding between using screws or nails is one of the most important ones. Between screws and...
Installing a fence can be overwhelming, especially considering the seemingly unlimited number of options to choose from. To help you sift through the options, below we will talk about the eight best...
When it comes to paint sprayers, there are a lot of options to choose from. Deciding which one will be the best for painting your fence can be overwhelming. Here's a list of the ten best paint...
There are so many different types of wood you could use for your fence! Luckily, there are two main species that are commonly used for building fences: Redwood and Cedar. Should you, then, go with...
It’s a beautiful day, you look outside and what do you see? The glorious vinyl fencing that you just installed is wobbling back and forth in the wind. Is that supposed to happen, or did the vinyl...